Wednesday 23 January 2013

Other Books

How to choose the sex of your Baby (U.P. $15.35, selling $8)

"Is it really possible to choose the sex of our baby?" Thousands have asked Dr Shettles this question. His answer is an unhesitatiing "Yes!"

In this book, backed by scientific evidence, Dr Sheettles will show you how to raise the chances of having a child of the sex that you want from 50% - if you do nothing at all - to at least 75% if you follow the methods. In fact, some reachers have reported success rate, using Dr Shettles' techniques, of approximately 90%

Dynamite Answers to Interview Questions (U.P. &16.46, selling $8)

Interviews don't just count - they count the most. Regardless of how well you write your resumes, you simply must do well in the job interview if you want to get the job.

This books shows you how to turn sweaty palms into dynamite answers that lead to job offers.